วันจันทร์ที่ 27 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Students Wars

Student Wars

Nopprarat Maneetat (Get)
Watcharaphon Milap (Soybean)

IBC 101
Access to Library and Information

27 September 2010


Thai student fighting and destroy property of society which they doesn’t care or even worry what the society think of them. The shooting and stabbing happen nearly every day occurring showing to the public society. Many students from each college had been hurt and kill by another college. Many government property such as public transport had been wreak and damage by these student who doesn’t care what did they do to other people.

Table of Content

Abstract/ Executive Summary                    Page 1

Table of Content

Introduction                                                  Page 3

Discussion                                                      Page 4

Conclusions                                                   Page 5

Recommendation                                                Page6

Reference                                                      Page 7


A nine year old Thai student from high school had been accident wounded and killed straight away. The news had been on air thought out nation television to public and every newspaper has been printed. Most of the parent of Thai society had been shocked with new headline that a young boy who is innocent and no idea what is happening had been wounded by a college student just fighting over for no reason. The principals from the boy high school were called in to Parliament twice for sessions on how to stop the violence. Gang violence has plagued schools for years, mostly at the country’s 835 vocational schools which cater later largely to the children of the working class such as taxi driver, security guard and factory workers. Police say there were 900 reported incidents in Bangkok in the first half of this year.


This problem has been brought up for the government to discussion and tries to find a solution for college and public around the area. So many people are scare and worry; what would happen to anyone or any children, would this incident happen again?

A problem of this college has been going on for many generations which are no method to end. Many people are terrifying the student will hurt them one day. Many nations saw the incident but they can not do anything or help the person that is being harm. If anyone came to help the individual that person will get hurt, so most people just observe and feel depressing.

Many bus drivers wouldn’t go to pick up any of those college students because they’re terrified if one day they will get gunshot. There is no way to protect yourself because doesn’t know went this incident will occur. The student doesn’t intend to hurt anyone around them but sometime accident happens.


The problem doesn’t seem so big but it is a biggest problem right now for Thai society. One person can not do anything much and people could do anything at all. Is better for government and principles of the college to find a solution for everyone including public and make sure no one will get hurt by their students. The government should look into more way to find the problem and the student for these colleges. 


The Nation Newspaper on Monday, September 27, 2010

วันจันทร์ที่ 20 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Ex5.Online catalog and database

1.Can you identify the library website,opac,library database?A.Library website (define)
Ans. It's a website that allows you to access to any books in the library online.
Ans. it's online public access catolog
C.library database
Ans.It's an online resource that the library subscribes to that contains articles and information from print sources such as magazines,newspapers,journal,and reference books.

2.List 5 PDF files of articles you search from Google.A.Strategic Content manangement
B. The look that says Book
C.Good help is hard to Find
D.apps vs the web
E.No one nos: Learning to say no to Bad Ideas

3.What's Abstract?Because on-line search databases typically contain only abstracts, it is vital to write a complete but concise description of your work to entice potential readers into obtaining a copy of the full paper. This article describes how to write a good computer architecture abstract for both conference and journal papers. Writers should follow a checklist consisting of: motivation, problem statement, approach, results, and conclusions. Following this checklist should increase the chance of people taking the time to obtain and read your complete paper.

4.What's a full text article?In computerized databases, the complete article rather than just a citation or abstract. In LIAS databases, move from the record screen to the full text of an article by entering the command DIT. A full-text article in LIAS can be printed, sent to your email address, or saved to disk.

5.What's your techique (s) when you're doing your homework or assignment?I often use search engine such as Google to help me figure out the methods or results for my homeworks.

Exercise 5

1.can you identify the library website ,OPAC,library database?

-Library is website you can search for information wnat to know about anything or the database from the book but this time approximately people like to user Internet more than search from the book.
OPAC is Online Public Access Catalogue.  Using OPAC you will be able to find the information about the Library collection.  You can search the documents by entering author, title or keyword in the query line.is Online Public Access Catalogue.  Using OPAC you will be able to find the information about the Library collection.  You can search the documents by entering author, title or keyword in the query line.

Exercise 4 ------Reference sources------20/09/2010

1. Where can you find information about Nobel Prize? Who get the Nobel Prize this year?
   i can find the data about the Noble Prize from website on Google.

-Who get the Nobel Prize this year?
Charles K. Kao thumb picture
The Nobel Prize in Physics
Charles K. Kao "for groundbreaking achievements concerning the transmission of light in fibers for optical communication"
Willard S. Boyle thumb pictureGeorge E. Smith thumb picture
The Nobel Prize in Physics
Willard S. Boyle and George E. Smith "for the invention of an imaging semiconductor circuit – the CCD sensor"
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan thumb pictureThomas A. Steitz thumb pictureAda E. Yonath thumb picture
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry
Venkatraman Ramakrishnan, Thomas A. Steitz and Ada E. Yonath "for studies of the structure and function of the ribosome"
Elizabeth H. Blackburn thumb pictureCarol W. Greider thumb pictureJack W. Szostak thumb picture
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine
Elizabeth H. Blackburn, Carol W. Greider and Jack W. Szostak "for the discovery of how chromosomes are protected by telomeres and the enzyme telomerase"
Herta Müller thumb picture
The Nobel Prize in Literature
Herta Müller "who, with the concentration of poetry and the frankness of prose, depicts the landscape of the dispossessed"
Barack H. Obama thumb picture
The Nobel Peace Prize
Barack H. Obama "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples"
Elinor Ostrom thumb picture
The Prize in Economic Sciences
Elinor Ostrom "for her analysis of economic governance, especially the commons"
Oliver E. Williamson thumb picture
The Prize in Economic Sciences
Oliver E. Williamson "for his analysis of economic governance, especially the boundaries of the firm"
2.Go to Encyclopedia Online at htth:library.spu.ac.th Search for the history of automobiles or computer summarize the information you get

In The Beginning…

The history of computers starts out about 2000 years ago, at the birth of the abacus, a wooden rack holding two horizontal wires with beads strung on them. When these beads are moved around, according to programming rules memorized by the user, all regular arithmetic problems can be done. Another important invention around the same time was the Astrolabe, used for navigation. Blaise Pascal is usually credited for building the first digital computer in 1642. It added numbers entered with dials and was made to help his father, a tax collector. In 1671, Gottfried Wilhelm von Leibniz invented a computer that was built in 1694. It could add, and, after changing some things around, multiply. Leibniz invented a special stepped gear mechanism for introducing the addend digits, and this is still being used. The prototypes made by Pascal and Leibniz were not used in many places, and considered weird until a little more than a century later, when Thomas of Colmar (A.K.A. Charles Xavier Thomas) created the first successful mechanical calculator that could add, subtract, multiply, and divide. A lot of improved desktop calculators by many inventors followed, so that by about 1890, the range of improvements included:
  • Accumulation of partial results
  • Storage and automatic reentry of past results (A memory function)
  • Printing of the results
Each of these required manual installation. These improvements were mainly made for commercial users, and not for the needs of science.

Electronic Digital Computers

ImageThe start of World War II produced a large need for computer capacity, especially for the military. New weapons were made for which trajectory tables and other essential data were needed. In 1942, John P. Eckert, John W. Mauchly (left), and their associates at the Moore school of Electrical Engineering of University of Pennsylvania decided to build a high – speed electronic computer to do the job. This machine became known as ENIAC (Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator) The size of ENIAC‘s numerical “word” was 10 decimal digits, and it could multiply two of these numbers at a rate of 300 per second, by finding the value of each product from a multiplication table stored in its memory. ENIAC was therefore about 1,000 times faster then the previous generation of relay computers. ENIAC used 18,000 vacuum tubes, about 1,800 square feet of floor space, and consumed about 180,000 watts of electrical power. It had punched card I/O, 1 multiplier, 1 divider/square rooter, and 20 adders using decimal ring counters, which served as adders and also as quick-access (.0002 seconds) read-write register storage. The executable instructions making up a program were embodied in the separate “units” of ENIAC, which were plugged together to form a “route” for the flow of information. ImageThese connections had to be redone after each computation, together with presetting function tables and switches. This “wire your own” technique was inconvenient (for obvious reasons), and with only some latitude could ENIAC be considered programmable. It was, however, efficient in handling the particular programs for which it had been designed. ENIAC is commonly accepted as the first successful high – speed electronic digital computer (EDC) and was used from 1946 to 1955. A controversy developed in 1971, however, over the patentability of ENIAC‘s basic digital concepts, the claim being made that another physicist, John V. Atanasoff (left) had already used basically the same ideas in a simpler vacuum – tube device he had built in the 1930′s while at Iowa State College. In 1973 the courts found in favor of the company using the Atanasoff claim.

The Modern Stored Program EDC

Image Fascinated by the success of ENIAC, the mathematician John Von Neumann (left) undertook, in 1945, an abstract study of computation that showed that a computer should have a very simple, fixed physical structure, and yet be able to execute any kind of computation by means of a proper programmed control without the need for any change in the unit itself. Von Neumann contributed a new awareness of how practical, yet fast computers should be organized and built. These ideas, usually referred to as the stored – program technique, became essential for future generations of high – speed digital computers and were universally adopted. The Stored – Program technique involves many features of computer design and function besides the one that it is named after. In combination, these features make very – high – speed operation attainable. A glimpse may be provided by considering what 1,000 operations per second means. If each instruction in a job program were used once in consecutive order, no human programmer could generate enough instruction to keep the computer busy. Arrangements must be made, therefore, for parts of the job program (called subroutines) to be used repeatedly in a manner that depends on the way the computation goes. Also, it would clearly be helpful if instructions could be changed if needed during a computation to make them behave differently. Von Neumann met these two needs by making a special type of machine instruction, called a Conditional control transfer – which allowed the program sequence to be stopped and started again at any point – and by storing all instruction programs together with data in the same memory unit, so that, when needed, instructions could be arithmetically changed in the same way as data. As a result of these techniques, computing and programming became much faster, more flexible, and more efficient with work. Regularly used subroutines did not have to be reprogrammed for each new program, but could be kept in “libraries” and read into memory only when needed. Thus, much of a given program could be assembled from the subroutine library. The all – purpose computer memory became the assembly place in which all parts of a long computation were kept, worked on piece by piece, and put together to form the final results. The computer control survived only as an “errand runner” for the overall process. As soon as the advantage of these techniques became clear, they became a standard practice. Image Image The first generation of modern programmed electronic computers to take advantage of these improvements were built in 1947. This group included computers using Random – Access – Memory (RAM), which is a memory designed to give almost constant access to any particular piece of information. . These machines had punched – card or punched tape I/O devices and RAM’s of 1,000 – word capacity and access times of .5 Greek MU seconds (.5*10-6 seconds). Some of them could perform multiplications in 2 to 4 MU seconds. Physically, they were much smaller than ENIAC. Some were about the size of a grand piano and used only 2,500 electron tubes, a lot less then required by the earlier ENIAC. The first – generation stored – program computers needed a lot of maintenance, reached probably about 70 to 80% reliability of operation (ROO) and were used for 8 to 12 years. They were usually programmed in ML, although by the mid 1950′s progress had been made in several aspects of advanced programming. This group of computers included EDVAC (above) and UNIVAC (right) the first commercially available computers. source 3. What the difference between general book and reference book?
  - The distinction between a book and a reference book can be confusing. Some books that you might "reference" are still considered "books" for the purposes of citation. Reference books are used to find factual information on a subject, and are not usually read all the way through or chapter by chapter. In a K-12 library, reference books are usually located in a special reference collection area, and cannot be checked out. Reference books include dictionaries, encyclopedias, thesauri, almanacs, atlases, and directories. As a side note, in APA, the reader must also distinguish between reference books and what are called "annual periodicals." For example, consider a yearbook (which looks like a reference work). Annual periodicals often resemble edited books. To tell the difference, look at the publication's subtitle. If the subtitle changes annually, it should be treated as an edited book or reference work. If there is no subtitle, or the subtitle does not change year to year, it should be treated as an annual periodical. source 4.when do you need to search information from the reference collection? -When the colection of  sources in print electronic from intended to be referred to rather than read. The materials are usually not for loan outside the library
-When events and dates facts and figuer and background 
5.What type of referrence collection that you like to use most and Why?
-Dictionary becuase containing information about the words, spelling and eeasy  usage.
-Encyclopedia becuase systematic summary of significant of significant knowledge a summary of knowledge of one subject.

วันจันทร์ที่ 6 กันยายน พ.ศ. 2553

Why the library is important for the learning process?

    The library is important for the learning process because a library is a very important aspect in the learning process of your child. The extensive genre of children's literature is an essential part of the growing up process. In case you have enough resources, it is always advisable to have an in-house library. If you think you cannot afford a library at home, you can always visit a public library. Most of the public libraries are keeping with the times and equipped with facilities like CDs and even computers.
    There are large number of books that provide advice about various topics like business, health, travel, food and careers. These books serve as a great source of advice. Many people make it a point to read and go through these books before taking important decisions in their life. Thus libraries are also helpful for people who are looking for information about specific subjects. For example a person who is planning to travel to a particular place would like to read about that destination.

My experience in using a library..........
      I had a change be in the library onec for found one book I need to read that book because my friend told me this book very good about the secret for the goverment in the famous must country. I forgot the name for the book. I have to find this book at my home and then I will tell you name for this book later (to be continue)

5 Books
1.Reforming process for learning. Call no.LB 2806 น148ก 2545
2.The fundamentals of graphic desing.Call no.NC 997 A42F 2009
3.Research methods for business.Call noHD 30.4 R47 2007
4.How todifferentiate instruction in mixed-ability classrooms.Call no.LB 3061.3 T65H 2001
5.Succeeding in today's diverse classrooms.Call no.LB 1050.455 A48 2005
5 journals
1.Learning house
2.Keep on the watch!
3.Job shadowing
5.Market Ssegmentation.
5 online databasaes
1.:: Thai University eBook Net
2.:: Digital Dissertation
3.:: Knowledge Bank
4.:: Westlaw
5.:: ACM Digital Library